Heating Options

Standard Rail Option (H) and (C)
Mulitirail Option (H) and (C)

Heating Only Options

Is suitable for all heating and hot water systems. For connection to either direct (open) or indirect (closed) central heating systems.

Suitable for indirect (closed) central heating circuits only. It cannot be installed on an open circuit due to the product containing ferrous (steel) parts.

Standard Rail Option (E)
Mulitirail Option (E)

Electric Only Options

A completely independent unit requiring only a fused spur electric connection. Thermal transfer fluid is heated by an electric element within the towel rail.

Standard Rail Option (D)
Mulitirail Option (D)

Duel Fuel Options

The towel rail has the capability to run from a central heating circuit or an electric element. Handy in the summer months when the central heating is turned off.

Internal View
Rear External View

Electric Dryline Option

Electric dryline technology, with the towel warmer not containing any fluids.The towel warmer is heated using a silicone heater cable, exiting the towel warmer via a 3 core cable.This can then be attached to a fuse spur.

When using the electric element only (ie; during summer), allowance must be made for thermal expansion within the product by having the ‘return’ radiator valve left partially open. The ‘flow’ radiator valve must be closed to prevent back flow through the system. Both valves should be opened and balanced when the central heating system is operative, (i.e. during winter).

Steel Rails – Must be installed in accordance with BS7593 where a corrosion inhibitor is used. Brass Rails – Caution where water softener is installed, as this could cause dezincification (material is attacked ie. zinc eaten away by aggressive water).

Brass towel rails are manufactured using dezincification resistant brass, however it should be understood that the term ‘resistant’does not entirely preclude the possibility of dezincification occurring. If you intend to install the product on an open (DHW) circuit, make reference to your local water authority to ensure dezincification has not previously occurred. Towel rails manufactured from brass tubing should not be installed on an open circuit if a water softener is present. Water analysis to determine the likelihood of dezincification is available at cost.

Models suitable for indirect (closed) circuits only cannot be installed on an open circuit due to the item containing ferrous (steel) parts. Product compatibility is the responsibility of the installer.
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